My old barn studio
Yesterday I revisted one of my old studios where I worked from 2007 until the end of 2009. The space was a specially converted barn in a village called Gosmore just outside Hitchin. I'd only just become published when I moved in there, it was a really exciting time and I did some of my best known pieces there, including 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow' in 2009.
My landlords were the lovely Colin Eades and his wife Lyn, and they made me feel very welcome seeing as the space occupied part of their home. The space had strip daylights fitted as the only natural light was two velux windows, which in the end was the reason I moved as I needed more daylight.
Colin & Lyn in their new Cinema Room
The studio is now a home cinema, it is very odd to see how much it's changed. I have really fond memorioes of working there, and it was lovely to catch up with Colin and Lyn again and watch a film in the very spot I used to spend hours painting!